Friday, December 16, 2011

Mount Latimojong

Latimojong Mountain is one of the unique mountain in Sulawesi with a peak of seven exotic. Stretching from north to south in the middle of the island, Mount Latimojong recorded in the area of ​​administrative Enrekang, South Sulawesi.

Mount Latimojong culminates seven, more accurately called mountains with volcanic bodies which coincides with each other and form a unique formation. Highest peak with an altitude of 3478 masl triumphant. Not exaggerating when Mount Latimojong is called "Big Mountain."

Seven regular longitudinal peak is as follows.

1. Clogged Sinaji (2430 mdpl)
2. Clogged Sikolong (2754 mdpl)
3. Chain clogged Kambola (3083 mdpl)
4. Chain clogged Mario (3430 mdpl)
5. Clogged Nenemori (3097 mdpl)
6. Clogged Bajaja (2,700 mdpl)
7. Clogged Latimojong (2800 mdpl)

Arguably, the number seven is the number of exotic and mystical, so also with the Mount Latimojong mystical and exotic. Its beauty lies along the ascent, and so strong mystical color in it.
Aroma Mystic Mountain Latimojong

According to local belief, the mountain is said to be the origin of the ancestors of the Enrekang, Toraja, Luwu, and Bone. This belief is coupled with mystical confidence that comes from the local legends that are dominated by tribal spines, spines that communicate using language. They inhabit the area until Authorship Baraka on Mount Latimojong route, and the majority of coffee farmers.

Dorsal tribes believe that their ancestors bersemayang in certain places at Mount Latimojong. So it is with a variety of places considered to have a watchman. For visitors who want to climb Mount Latimojong it always gets advice from climbing guides.

"Use of rattan bracelets," he used to say the guides.

For some people living in the surrounding Mount Latimojong, wearing a bracelet wicker is believed to protect the climber from Mount Latimojong disorder or guardian spirits. Appropriate local customary beliefs, rattan bracelets are a symbol that their visit carefully. Therefore, rattan bracelets are a symbol of their ancestors who reputedly named Janggok Riri and Grandma Menga.

Mystical aroma also looked at local belief that requires attention to the signs of nature. For example, the belief that when we hear the sound of birds then it's a good sign and could continue climbing. However, if not the sound of birds but the hum of bees, should climbers back down because it is a bad sign.

Yes, believe it or not, the trust that has so far remained well guarded by the visitors and the community surrounding mountains can prevent them from calamity or such disasters that have occurred in other mountain. Although some rationalist group considers that belief and nothing disastrous, but not so with the belief of the people there.

In spite of everything, for every visitor who was going to visit a new area, be it mountain or otherwise advised to follow local wisdom prevailing in the area to avoid things that are not desirable.
Routes Climbing Mount Latimojong
Generally, access to climbing Mount Latimojong starts from District Baraka. This area can be reached from Makassar directions by public transport, and get off at Cakke. From Cakke, local transportation available to Baraka.

From Baraka, followed by a trip to the andes Dea. Transportation is available usually microbus or a motorcycle taxi. From then to the hamlet Buntu Dea Latimojong by foot. Similar journey continues towards the hamlet Karuaja which is located right in the valley. From this village, to the last village at the foot of Mount Latimojong, namely the village of Authorship.

The climbers usually stay at home residents in the village of Authorship to wait for the right time to start climbing. In addition, in this village they can prepare physically and supplies to climb Mount Latimojong the exotic.
Seven Mountain Ascent Pos Latimojong Climbing Mount Latimojong has seven headings, namely :

Climbing Mount Latimojong Post 1 - andes Kaciling

Kaciling impasse are the first item that will go through if you're doing the climb on Mount Latimojong. Authorship of the village towards the Post a short walk along the river Salu Authorship.
The road began to climb with a slope of 50-70 degrees. In this track there are a lot of branching. Kaciling impasse lies at an altitude of 1800 masl, is an open flat area about the size of 4 square meters.

Climbing Mount Latimojong Post 2 - Cave Gloves Pakpak

Gloves Pakpak Cave is the second post that will be crossed during the ascent of Mount Latimojong. This pathway is contoured terrain up and down the side of the valley with a river flowing. In the post area measuring 4 feet square with a unique location at the bottom of this cliff, climbers usually set up a tent and stay overnight.

Climbing Mount Latimojong Post 3 - Lantang Nase

Extreme terrain dominate this track with steep climbs a slope of 80 degrees. If a little off guard, could be a death trap in which the climber fell backwards. Nase loud at an altitude of 1940 masl. this place well into the third post that traversed during a climb of Mount Latimojong.

Climbing Mount Latimojong Post 4 - Andes Lebu

The line was less extreme before. Slope is decreased to the range of 60-70 degrees. However, high vigilance is still required to avoid things that are not desirable. Pos Buntu Lebu at an altitude of 2140 masl, is a flat area covering an area of ​​6 square feet of enclosed grove of trees.

Climbing Mount Latimojong Post 5 - Soloh Tama

Located at an altitude of 2480 masl, this area with a capacity of ten tents. Is a flat area located on the ridge with a panoramic view of captivating. Soloh Tama also commonly used as a place to sleep by the climbers of Mount Latimojong ..

Climbing Mount postal Latimojong Post 6 - Peep Seven Summits Latimojong

Located at an altitude of 2690 masl. From this post, is starting to look Latimojong ranks the top seven. In this post, hikers can begin to peek at the beauty of the seven peaks of Mount Latimojong the exotic.

Climbing Mount postal Latimojong Post 7 - Kolong andes

Under the andes located at an altitude of 3100 masl. Lane road trails have been repaired. And from here, it's obvious that the seven peaks of Mount Latimojong welcomes climbers lined up neatly.

From this last heading, climbing Mount Latimojong that actually starts. Beginning with a fork in the road in an open area, the path to the left towards the top of Mike Chain, the path to the right end of the 30 ° to the top Nenemori, whereas 90 ° to the right path is the path leading down to Palopo.
Mountain peaks of the Exotic Latimojong
Chain Mario peak is the highest peak of Mount Latimojong. This beautiful peak is still covered with natural vegetation forests. From the top of the cold and foggy, free eye view of nature. Enrekang was in a mystical and sacred gloom.

Nenemori peak is not less than Rante Mario drugged. Path to Nenemori large high wooded forest dominated by a thick blanket of moss slippery. If lucky, climbers can meet anoa, the Sulawesi fauna typical of the less populated and included in the protected animal.
Thursday, November 10, 2011


Krakatoa is a volcanic island that is still active and located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. This name was never pinned on a volcanic peak there (Mount Krakatoa) which vanish due to the eruptions themselves on 26-27 August 1883. The eruption was so powerful; hot clouds and the resulting tsunami killed about 36,000 people. Until before the date of December 26, 2004, this is a terdahsyat tsunami in the Indian Ocean region. The sound explosion was heard up in Alice Springs, Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Africa, 4653 miles. Yield is estimated at 30,000 times the atomic bombs that detonated on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
Sunda Strait

The eruption of Krakatoa caused global climate change. The world was dark for two and a half days due to volcanic ash that covered the atmosphere. The sun shines dim until next year. Scattering dust visible in the sky Norway to New York.

The explosion of Krakatoa is actually still less than the eruption of Mount Toba and Tambora in Indonesia, Mount Tanpo in New Zealand and Mount Katmal in Alaska. But these mountains erupted deep in the human population is still very little. Meanwhile, when Mount Krakatoa erupted, the human population is dense enough, science and technology has evolved, the telegraph was invented, and submarine cable has been installed. Thus it can be said that at the time of information technology is growing and growing rapidly.

Noted that the eruption of Mount Krakatau is the first major disaster in the world after the invention of the submarine telegraph. Progress is, unfortunately, has not been matched by progress in the field of geology. The geologist was not even able to give an explanation of the eruption.

Looking at the region of Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait, experts estimate that in ancient times there is a huge mountain in the Sunda Strait which finally erupted leaving a massive caldera (large crater) called Ancient Mount Krakatau, which is the parent of Mount Krakatoa erupted in 1883. The mountain is composed of andesitic rocks.

Notes on Ancient Krakatoa eruption taken from an ancient Javanese text entitled the King Library Parwa expected from the year 416 AD. It contained, among others, stated:
"There was a thundering sound of thunder coming from Mount Batuwara. There is also a frightening shock earth, total darkness, thunder and lightning. Then came the wind and rain storms are terrible and the whole storm darkens the whole world. A great flood came from Mount Batuwara and flows eastward to Mount Kamula .... When the water drowning, the island of Java, separated into two, creating islands of Sumatra "
Krakatoa evolution map-fr.gif

Berend George Escher geologists and other experts argue that some natural events described are from Mount Ancient Krakatoa, which the text is called Mount Batuwara. According to the book Parwa King Library, the height of this Ancient Krakatoa reached 2,000 meters above sea level, and the circle of beach reaching 11 kilometers.

Due to the great explosion, three-quarters of the body were destroyed leaving Ancient Krakatoa caldera (large crater) in the Sunda Strait. The sides or edges of the crater known as Rakata Island, Long Island and Island Sertung, in other records referred to as the island of Rakata, Rakata Island and Small Island Sertung. This eruption was allegedly responsible for the occurrence of the dark ages of the earth. Bubonic plague disease occurs because the temperature cools. This plague has significantly reduced the number of people on earth.

The eruption is also considered to contribute on the end of the heyday of ancient Persia, the transmutation of the Roman Empire to the Byzantine Empire, the end of the civilization of South Arabia, the extinction of the Mayan city, Tikal and fall of civilizations in South America the Nazca enigmatic. Ancient Krakatoa explosion is expected to last for 10 days at an estimated speed of vomit masses reach 1 million tons per second. The blast shield has formed a thick atmosphere of 20-150 meters, lowering the temperature of 5-10 degrees for 10-20 years.
[Edit] The emergence of Mount Krakatau
The development of Mount Krakatau

Rakata Island, which is one of three remaining island Ancient Krakatoa then grow in accordance with the volcanic impulse from deep within the earth, known as Mount Krakatau (or Mount Rakata) made of basaltic rock. Later, two volcano emerged from the crater, named Danan Mountain and Mount Perbuwatan are then fused with Mount Rakata came first. Unity third volcano is called Mount Krakatau.

Mount Krakatoa erupted in 1680 produced andesitic lava acid. Then in 1880, Mount Perbuwatan active issue though is not erupting lava. After that time, there is no volcanic activity at Krakatau until May 20, 1883. On that day, after 200 years of asleep, there was a small explosion at Mount Krakatau. That would be early signs of the massive eruption in the Sunda Strait. Small explosion was followed by small eruptions that peak occurred on 26-27 August 1883.
On the day Monday, August 27, 1883, promptly at 10.20, burst into the mountain. According to Simon Winchester, a geologist who graduated from the University of Oxford England is also the author of National Geographic said that the blast was the biggest, loudest and most devastating volcanic events in modern human history. The voice sounded erupt until 4600 miles from the center of the eruption and can even be heard by one eighth of the population of the earth at that time.

According to researchers at the University of North Dakota, with the explosion of Krakatoa explosion of Tambora (1815) recorded a score of Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), the largest in modern history. The Guinness Book of Records noted the explosion of Anak Krakatau as the most powerful explosion in recorded history.

Krakatoa explosion had thrown stones pumice and volcanic ash with a volume of 18 cubic kilometers. Bursts of dust vulkanisnya mencavai 80 km. Hard objects that flew into the air it falls on the plains of Java and Sumatra, even to Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand.

The eruption destroyed Danan Mountain, Mount Perbuwatan and part of Mount Rakata cone where the missing half, create a basin-wide 7 km and as deep as 250 meters. Waves reached as high as 40 meters destroying villages and whatever is on the coast. The tsunami was caused not only because of the eruption but also underwater avalanches.

Recorded the death toll reached 36,417 people from 295 coastal villages from Peacock (Attack) until cilamaya in Falkirk, west coast of Banten to display on the island of Cape Panaitan (Ujung Kulon and southern Sumatra. In Ujungkulon, incoming flood of up to 15 km to the west. The next day until a few days later, residents of Jakarta and Lampung hinterland no longer see the sun. Tsunami waves generated propagate even down to the coast of Hawaii, the west coast of Central America and the Arabian Peninsula 7 thousand kilometers away.
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mount Bawakaraeng 2830 m

Mount Bawakaraeng stand with a height of 2.830m above sea level, and be in a position 119 ° 56'40 "East Longitude and 05 ° 19'01" South Latitude. and minimum temperatures are around 17 ° C to a maximum of 25 ° C. Mountain forest vegetation is dominated by lowland forest low, below the mountains of forests and montane forests above. Plants are mostly found among Type pine, orchids, edelweiss, ferns, pandanus, cloves, santigi, rattan, lichens and others. Whereas for this type of fauna that can be found, among others, Anoa, wild boar, birds sucking honey, brown bird beak length and others. This mountain is a water catchment for blood Gowa, Makassar and Sinjai. It is also an headwaters Jene 'indignation. And the Forest Tour. The mountain is also included into the Forest Protected Lompobatang. 

Mount Bawakaraeng which according to the surrounding community have a sense Carry = Mouth and Karaeng = God, if translated into Mount Bawakaraeng = Mountain Mouth of God, including into the territory of the region Lompobatang Forest Preserve. In the months leading up Idhul Adha, the mountain is according to the population will be very crowded, since most small communities in Gowa regency believe if climbing Mount Bawakaraeng, the same by traveling to the Holy Land, be the term Haji Bawakaraeng. Mount Bawakaraeng who position very close to the sea, also at night Makassar city looks so beautiful from the top Bawakaraeng, it turns out save a lot of the mystery of this mountain, and many mythical legends also inherent in the mountains ini.Dibalik that, as who most frequently visited mountain and in the month - the month in the rainy season, weather conditions on the mountain is becoming very bad and frequent storms in the mountains lompobatang. The best time is usually the recommended visits at months from May to September, because in that month rather good weather and natural scenery will be so visible beautiful. 

 The mountain is located just 75 km from Makassar and make favorites for mountain climbers in the City Makassar and sekitarnya.Rute PendakianSecara Geographic, Mount Bawakaraeng located in Gowa District, will but the achievement of the summit of this mountain can be done from two lanes namely, Lembanna pathway which is also located in Gowa regency. And the only path is the path Tassoso 'located in the District Sinjai. lane lembanna.

Lembanna located adjacent to the North Sea Bawakaraeng peak. This area is also located right at the foot of the mountain Bawakaraeng with a height of 1.400m above sea level, the position coordinates of 119 ° 54'18 "East Longitude and 05 ° 15'15" South Latitude. Livelihood population is farming. The rainfall average is 2.034mm/year with minimum air temperature 15 ° C and maximum of 20 ° C. general population was Makassar ethnic or indigenous people, and generally willing to house used for overnight. Villages in the district who included High Muzzle, Gowa regency, better known with the local village Malino.Masyarakat Lembana Tourism is very welcoming and friendly, many climbers who free stay at home residents before the climb, Every weekend this place is always visited by climbers who want to climb mountains Bawakaraeng or people who simply enjoy a relaxing holiday at the foot of the mountain Bawakaraeng. 

The sequence following the achievement of Makassar: Makassar -> Sungguminasa -> Accord -> Lembanna -> The peak of Mount Bawakaraeng If coming from Makassar Sulawesi island or from Outside, up to the city transportation Terminal Gowa, or it could be down at the intersection Sunggu Minasa, road directions to the Malino. From here, Transport Rural majoring in Malino, travel time approximately 2-3 hours drive. Transportation driver usually already know, if no climber who will climb Bawakaraeng, Transport driver will drive up to the village of lembanna. Last Village at the foot of the mountain Bawakaraeng. Tariff per person Rp. 8000. The climbers spent the night in general advance in the Village lembanna, who had a height of 1400 masl, just started climbing the next morning. Or it could be done climbing at night hari. Village Lembanna.

The climb begins from the village of Lembanna, the terrain is in the form of plantations and the population began to enter the door of Pine Forest and to achieve a post takes 1-2 hours trip. Post 1 Post a reply from the altitude reaches 1650 m asl, continue climbing ramps up to reach Post 2, it takes no more than 1 hour drive, here are the eyes of dead water mengalir. Post 2 The journey has not been too climb, still ramps and began to enter the forest vegetation typical of Sulawesi, travel time was different from Heading 1 to Heading 2, Heading 3 In the post three springs are also available and can be set up tent. Post 4 Heading 4 in the travel in more than 1 hour journey and travel at up to Heading 5, in the post 5 there eyes water, it's just pretty much. Usually I post 5 is used to overnight. Post 5 From Post 5, the journey began to climb and along the way will pass through fallen trees because of Pos 5-6, the forest was burned, if climbing at night should be careful, because here usually climbers often lost, because the path was so terlihat. Post 6 When he arrived at the Post 6, the journey through the forest who is still quite dense, the journey continues to ramp and started to climb and forests began to disappear a different forest vegetation change and after 2 hours away, will arrive in Post 7, who had altitude of 2710 mdpl. Post 7 In Post 7 scenery is very beautiful and quite open. Mailed 7 It is this common storm. Post 8 From Post 7 to 8, the path starts going up and down, along the path there are two graves, and there are also In-memoriam climbers who died, after passing through two hills who have an average altitude of 2700 masl, the line will decrease and Arrive at the Post 8, available here springs, and usually spend the night here a new climber to the summit the next morning Bawakaraeng. Landscape grass savanna and the peak of the post 8 Bawakaraeng seen this, the temperature at night between 8-10 derajat. Post 9 After passing through the savanna and there are gardens edelweiss then will the Post 9 in takes about an hour away, in post 9 also can be used to establish tent. Post 10 Heading 10 is the peak Bawakaraeng. To reach the top Bawakaraeng, was not too difficult, although slightly to climb. After taking about ½ hour drive, it will arrive in the Peak Bawakaraeng. 

Should prior to the summit of attention at the peak of natural conditions, sometimes the wind was blowing pretty tight. Alternative route can also use traffic lane, which pass through the valley of Rama, from Heading 1 there is branching road, take the right lane and tembuh in Post 8, the line was pretty long and pretty who pass through the valley beyond, could see Taka Hammer Falls who had a height of 50 meters. Alternative traffic routes Lompobatang, Ascent can also cross to the Mount LompoBatang through Bawakaraeng peaks and down in Gowa regency, according to information required trip 3 days.

Lane Tassoso, Tassoso Hamlet 'is adjacent to the summit of Mount Bawakaraeng Northeast. These areas are arriving just below the foot This mountain and located at an altitude of 1.320m above sea level, on the position coordinates of 119 ° 58'38 "East Longitude and 05 ° 58'55" South Latitude. Eye population are subsistence farming. The rainfall average is 78.7mm/year with minimum air temperature 15 ° C and maximum 27 ° C. The sequence following the achievement of Makassar: Makassar -> West Sinjai (Manipi) -> Silver Mountain (Tassoso) -> Peak Mountain Peak Bawakaraeng State When it came a top Bawakaraeng, scenery at the top of this, including who the best in Sulawesi, it's no wonder every busy week in climbing this mountain by hikers who generally come from South Sulawesi, as well as from other provinces.

Well there are sacred by the people who, usually they take the water from these wells to the bawapulang, there are also commonplace stone used for offerings. Broad peak of approximately 100 m2, scenery Sea and Makassar in the west, on the east clouds look thick and silent clot, in the south Mount Bawakaraeng and look southward, is the Mount Lompobatang 2871 masl, can traverse through the Mount Bawakaraeng. The travel time for the ascent of Mount Bawakaraeng, when averaged over the last village of approximately 6-8 hour trip. Licensing not there is a convoluted licensing to climb this mountain, only need to report to the head local villages and to be much better to include a letter that accompanied the complete data path of the climber. Presence Porter Lembanna village, most residents are willing to take and at once became Porter, it's just not there tariff perspicuity.

Depending on the deal. Places of Interest There are some interesting places that can be visited around the mountain is among others waterfalls in the region Tassoso 'Degnan 50 meters high and lies at an altitude of 1.470m asl Can be achieved by with the distance walking 5 hours round trip, in addition to the waterfall there are also several caves. In the region Lembanna also found a waterfall with a height of 15 meters and is situated at an altitude of 1.514m d.p.l and can be reached by foot. Consuming approximately 1 hour travel time round trip.

Mount Rinjani Lombok

Mountain at an altitude of 3726 meters asl (above sea level) that lie within the national park covering an area of ​​41,330 acres, offers natural charm that can invite admiration. That's why you travel less than complete if you have not visited the Mount Rinjani. Beautiful panorama along the route that stretched from west to lombok lombok eastern, natural blend of mountain rain forest with savanna typical southeastern homeland.

In the valley immediately west of the lake there are chicks that the extent of 1,100 hectares. lakes which are diketinggian 2008 mdlp has water that smelled of sulfur. Apart from its beauty in the midst of a new volcanic mountain lake appears, that by the local community diberu names new mountain finger, which means Mountain incipient. and for those of you who have a penchant fishing can remove melting with fishing.

Mount Rinjani is a very in skralkan for both local communities who are Muslims, Hindus, and those who adhered to watu telu, People of Hindu worship celebration held once every 1 year at the event which they call pakeleman, which usually falls in September years BC. And at that time hundreds of Hindus biassanya both natives and who come from lombok bali will meet at the campsite near the lake.

On the other hand every month birthday on the local community who also held a ritual religion of Islam, in addition to pray to be blessed also perform healing therapy, where the local community strongly believes will hasiat hot water bath at Rinjani to menyembuhakan various diseases.

Permandiaan can unwind after a climb. In forging this bath you can find many places with different temperatures calm, from the most heat, heat to a medium.

From the heights 2800meter DLP you can see the sunset. The sun will tengelam slowly behind the mountains sengkareng. Mount Rinjani is the mainstay of the island is tourism in order to attract tourists.
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